SA Fishing Faceshield Reviews
SA Fishing Reviews-Green Digi Arm Sleeve
Thes are the products from SAFishing. Hence we are doing SA Fishing Reviews. A first glance very tight took a bit of work to get sleeve fully on.
Walk thru brush test material shed the twigs limbs and branches I pushed thru.
The material did not rip or pucker ( I didn’t walk thru briars went around them).
Time test took me about 4 wearing’s to get up to 6 hours which I feel is
about right for them to be used in the hunting scenario.
It did not seem to discolor with the UV killer I sprayed on it or the couple different bug repellents.
I tried as far as camo it seemed to work fine with my mossy oak, woodland and green
digi I have. Had Deer Rabbits and Squirrel all walk within hunting distance
of me and man did I scare the couple that was on that quiet walk in the woods
together ( but to be honest their minds were elsewhere lol ).
So at last glance what do I think of them; well for their price point they are
a great deal and preformed as advertised and beyond and so yes I recommend them this company for this product.
Face Shield SA Fishing Reviews
As Dew rag tried several methods what worked best was to tuck one of the very
ends into the other end less than 1/4? then put it on
As large headband close to 5 “‘s tried to constantly creep up till I pulled
down to the back of ears than was fine
As Sub 3? Headband it was a challenge to get on but once on stayed on
As Neck Gaither snugger fit than I like but I could deal with it if I was cold
As Face Shield worked well cant wait for colder weather to test how well the
fleece design works.
As far as camo it seemed to work fine with my mossy oak, woodland and green
dogs I have. Then non-camo design worked as well and drew the expressions I
wanted lol.
It did not seem to discolor with the UV killer I sprayed on it or the couple
different bug repellents I tried.
Walk thru brush test material shed the twigs limbs and branches I pushed thru
the material did not rip or pucker ( I didn’t walk thru briars went around them ).
So at last glance what do I think of them; well for their price point they are
a great deal and performed as advertised and beyond and so yes I recommend them.
Fleece Face Shield SA Fishing Reviews
Having already tested SA Company’s Face Shield as we are doing SA Fishing Reviews. I had an advantage for this test.
As Dew Rag tried several methods what worked best was to tuck one of the very
ends into the other end less than 1/4? then put it on and adjust slightly.
It is tube shaped.
As large headband close to 5?‘s worked well after I pulled the bottom edge down
to back of ears
As Sub 3” Headband it was a challenge to get on but once on stayed when pulled
down below ears. Felt all tight am sure was the addition of the fleece.
As Neck Gaither snugger fit than I personally like but I could deal with it.
Since I am a bit bull-necked it was double thickness ( coldest temp during testing
was near 20deg F ). Was really warm at double thickness.
Fleece Face Shield Review
As Face Shield worked really well at the 20F deg test is where this face shield
fleece lined product really shined only down side was a few glasses fog but
every face cover I have ever tried has done that to some degree and this was
minimal accept when the wind was right in my face
As worn in all modes passed the brush test seemed to shed the limbs and branches.
I didn’t walk thru briars went around them as same as previous tests. Material
did not rip, pucker, or tear during any part of the test . I did not spray with a
UV Killer or Scent remover or cover as I have tested 2 of their other products
made the same way with the same type of materials Sans fleece and there was no
discoloration .
Final Thoughts: Yet again a worthy product great value at this price point.
Special Note this Company does a lot of sales as well.